PerspectiveWe all have different perspectives based on our conditioning (our environment and how we grew up). This affects our life and how we see the world. Change your perspective, change your world. | FreedomI wanted to convey freedom in terms of not having to worry about anything anymore. So the girl is flying up from the deserted island to the light along with the butterflies who have all evolved into the next phase allowing them to now be free. | Suffering to FreedomSuffering as we all do, leads to freedom if we see the truth of it and rise above the struggles leads to freedom. | PeaceEach one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.
― Mahatma Gandhi | AbundanceTrue abundance is shown by an authentic, omnipresent gratitude for the divinity in all things. A great measurement of our level of abundance is the amount of peace we feel within. I felt this peace while painting these flowers and hope to have conveyed that in the painting. | WondermentThere are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.
― Walt Streightiff
Wisdom begins in wonder.
He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.
Albert Einstein | Rock Life“Where there are rocks, watch out! Watch out, because the rocks are going to eventually come alive and they are going to have people crawling over them. It is only matter of time, just in the same way the acorn is eventually going to turn into the oak because it has the potentiality of that within it. Rocks are not dead. You see, it depends on what kind of attitude you want to take to the world…
You cannot get an intelligent organism such as a human being out of an unintelligent universe. |
Find The Light WithinOn this one I just started painting and really this is what came out. Hope you like it. | Self ExpressionThe Peacock is a reminder to all of us to show our true colors.
Peacocks have a shimmering opalescence, with boisterous cries that hold a touch of laughter – as if to imply that no-thing, including beauty, should be taken too seriously. This helps remind us to stay centred on what is, and to be grateful for what we have, and to also have a more light hearted approach to all things that come our way, as laughter really is the best medicine and helps to keep us healthy. This is an important fa | Paris | All Is OneI think these are pretty cool and are called Deadly Beauties..
Man of War - is a single asexual animal made of a colonial of organisms working together and physiologically integrated to the extent that they are unable to survive independently, and therefore function as if they were an individual animal.. | CuriousityI saw a similar photo and loves that this cat looked so engaged. I thought he would look cute looking up to the sky in curiousity. | Surrender“Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. The world changes when we change. the world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world.”
― Marianne Williamson | Like Lightning |
Forms FadingThis painting is dedicated to my sister Velvet as her body is dissolving from cancer. I started painting it as the thought just came to me from seeing a photo of the ice and how I instantly saw so many forms and animals in it. Upon starting to paint my sister got worse and is now taking her last breaths which made me reflect on the body dissolving and this painting seemed so appropriate with the ice melting transforming into formless water. | Ride the WaveTo convey a cool way to ride the waves in our lives
“You are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing.” ― Alan W. Watts
You’re more than your mind tells you
Be aware of that
You have a consciousness and connection
and that’s a fact
To the | Consciousness EmergingI wanted to convey how consciousness is emerging through forms | Beauty in the DeepI had a vision of beautiful coral deep in the ocean with the sunlight peeking through. It was all alive and magical | AwakeningI wanted to illustrate the transition of awakening with the veil being lifted and the combination of worlds | FlowerTime to bloom! | Cycle SunsetI painted this from a picture I took at a beach where I live. It reminded me that we are at the cycle sunset and time for many changes. |
neuschwanstein | Dream of FormFor a while, the Universe consciousness seems to be okay with being completely identified with the dream of form. Then the movie goes on. Reading through history, you can see what happens when Consciousness is identified completely with form. Then it comes time for another stage to arise, when Consciousness is beginning to awaken from complete identification with form. This is beginning to happen at many stages, this is why human beings are drawn to spiritual teachings. It is the awakening from | Eye on the PlanetI sketched this many years ago from a dream. I finally painted it once I started painting and it was really the inspiration to continue painting as it just flew out of me so easily. | The Great IllusionDuring the great mystery and drama of life known as the Manvantara, real Kosmos is like the object placed behind the white screen upon which are thrown the Chinese shadows, called forth by the magic lantern. The actual figures and things remain invisible, while the wires of evolution are pulled by the unseen hands; and men and things are thus but the reflections, on the white field, of the realities behind the snares of Mahamaya, or the great Illusion. By H.P. Blavatsky | Worlds CollideAn interpretation of opposites merging in our phenomenal world of form | Blooming FlowersJust like people | A leaf in the windThe universe will blow us around just like a leaf but if we let it we are free, if we resist it we get stepped on |
Catching StarsFrom a favorite picture I have of my daughter at this age at the beach. This will always be a favorite. | Water Drop KingThis is an interpretation of a photo I saw of a drop of water and it's affect in a larger amount of water. I thought how it looks like a little king.
God is like the ocean and individuals are like drops of water. They think they're separate, but once they're in the ocean, they know they're an ocean- but so long as they're a drop of water, they think they're a drop of water. -The Who and Philosophy | Bubbles of LifeMy daughter is an actress and was in a commercial where they were blowing huge bubbles in a backyard pool and then I saw a multi-verse and noticed they looked the same | Other WorldlyOne of my first paintings.. love how it turned out with the stars and planets. | HolidayPainting | Bridge the GapLet there be gaps of space and then bridge those gaps with more space. :) | The Beautiful ValleyAlways strive to be the beautiful valley |